Can I buy from NNP as a private individual?

NNP is a wholesaler targeted at professionals. Sales to private individuals are only possible to a limited extent.

Why don't I see any prices on the NNP website?

You can only see prices on our website after you have signed in. In order to sign in, you first need to register. Registration requests are manually approved by us. Only professionals receive an access code to sign in. A VAT number is compulsory! As a private individual you can always email a price request for a specific part.

Do we offer cash on delivery shipment?

All NNP shipments are handled by external companies. The drivers are not allowed to receive cash or cheques, which means that cash on delivery shipments are NOT POSSIBLE!

Do you have any additional tips to avoid misunderstandings and incorrect purchases?

Increase your chance of finding the correct part: if possible, bring a sample of the required part or send an email in advance with a photo and as much information as possible.

Part numbers for the original item have greater value than the specified trade-in number you usually get from the dealer. So check the part number yourself! Due to frequently changing part numbers, it is also possible that another part number is a perfect match for the part you require!

Trading in your old part is not possible (except for engines and gearboxes). In order to continue to guarantee the quality of our parts, we do not loan parts for testing or diagnostic solutions.

It is possible to reserve parts, but only after previously agreed limited terms.